Sunday 9 March 2014


Many of you should know that I have been making references to God in CaC2 over the past few weeks or months. NightBlade suggested that we talk about this on the blog because of its importance. And that's why I'm writing this post.

First, does anyone have any objections to having God in CaC2? And if so, what are they?

So here are my thoughts on the matter.

I do not write stories without some hope at the end. Yes, my Jedi may accomplish valiant acts of courage and sacrifice—giving up their Force power to save others. Yes, my Sith may portray evil in all its various forms—deceivers, haters, murderers. But when they die, they either vanish from sight completely—becoming a void—or they go to the same place, because without a God to decide the morals of the galaxy, what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false, what is beautiful and what is despicable, there are no morals except those that particular cultures set up for themselves.
And if there are no morals except those that particular cultures set up for themselves, everyone should go to the same place, because the Sith are holding to their morals, which say that those with the greatest power are those who decide morality, and that since they believe they have the greatest power and therefore decide morality, they are justified in killing whoever they want. And the Jedi are also holding to their morals, which is basically that they give up what they want to help the innocents of the galaxy—marriage, for example.

I think that this would be before the CaC2 equivalent of the new covenant. I have characters who are searching for a Someone to lay down the morals of the galaxy—Tarmys and Cald, for example. And if they die without discovering that, what happens? Are they condemned for not believing in Christ when there is no Christ to believe in? Or are they accepted as those who have faith in the One who has not been revealed to them? Because that's true. As of now, God has not been revealed. And so I think this would be before the new covenant.

And I think that God would have created the Force and set up constraints on its use. Is mindreading acceptable or not? What about the destructive powers? Perhaps this is even like the fruit in the Garden of Eden in God's own story—the ancient deceiver persuades the created ones of God to rebel against His constraints and do what is forbidden.

Anyway, that's what I've thought of so far. If any of you have thoughts, objections or comments, you're free to say them.

Dmitri Pendragon
Blog Moderator


  1. Well, the way I see it, God is already in CaC2 :)
    I for one have a couple of 'slightly' allegorical characters, but I think 'slightly allegorical' is as far as I'm going to bring my characters. :) If we do involve God, I am 100% ok with it, but I don't exactly think I'll involve any of my characters in religious sort of plots :D

    - Gamey

  2. Yeah, I'm with Gamey. Subtlety is key for me, and I don't think I'll be involving my characters in any openly religious plot lines. But if that's what you guys want, go ahead. :)

  3. I think this sounds like a great idea. I have no idea how much my characters will be involved with these kinds of plots, but still, it does sound like a good idea.

  4. I've always viewed the SW galaxy to believe in a more deistic religion. But if that's what you want I'm okay with that, but I won't be involving any of my characters in those plotlines.

  5. I think that it is a good idea to bring God into everything, Dmitri, and I think it would be a noble cause.
    BUT...(there's always a "but", isn't there :/ )...I actually think we should not in this case. The Star Wars universe is so well established, and I'm afraid that introducing a God would mess things up pretty badly, namely because of the Force. And I think God using the Force would be a bit of a malignment of His character. I don't have time to go into a huge explanation why, so I'll just stick with the argument that it would just confuse things. Sorry, Dmitri, but I reluctantly disagree


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